Published: 18 Aug 2014
Victoria Branch seafarer and youth committee member Jimmy James reports from ITF Congress 2014 on World Youth Day.
On December 17, 1999, in its resolution 54/120, the United Nations General Assembly endorsed the recommendation made by the World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth, to make August 12 International Youth Day.
While in Sofia for the ITF Congress 2014, the youth delegation of the MUA were invited to attend an event held at The Bells Monument - Banner of Peace - which was built to symbolise the striving of youth from all over the world, to live and grow according to the laws of beauty.
It was fantastic to listen to the passion and conviction of Ekaterina Yordanova of the Federation of Transport Trade Unions in Bulgaria as she encouraged us to embrace the mantra 'Unity, Creativity, Beauty’ for we are tomorrows world leaders.
It is crucial that we continue to forge networks with strong unions from around the world and learn from their struggles, likewise comprise their strengths and will, to overcome corrupt and unjust laws.
It is now up to the youth delegates of the world to take ownership of what we have learned over the past few days of the 43rd ITF congress and return to our respective unions and educate the masses, because no matter in which part of the planet he/she is, the colour of his/her skin, it is our humanitarian right to live in peace.
I look forward to continuing this journey with my fellow comrades from around the world and would like to leave you with a quote from a true humanitarian leader of the world, the late Nelson Mandela - ‘It always seems impossible until it’s done’.